Glitch Box SGB-01

September 9th, 2012


audiocontrolled Glitchbox,built in mikrophone.single videopaths (red,green,blue) can be sent to be processed through the effect way which is controlled by the sounds around.Even with simple Black and White images colourful effects are possible.

SGB-01 Boxes again available!!!!!!!!!!

with built in Mikrophone!!!


249 Euro plus shipping!

Video Glitch Box BGB-03

February 10th, 2012

Comissioned work for Lurk on Film.Glitchbox,audiocontrolled ,choosable if effects react to bass,mids or heights.

Video Circuit Bending Glitchbox BGB-03 from Bildheinzer on Vimeo.

Video Glitchbox BGB-02

August 3rd, 2009

This is a Video Glichbox,reacting to incoming audio.

BGB-02 Video Manipulation Machine from Bildheinzer on Vimeo.

d1d2d4d5d6This time i put it in a solid steelcase which is a pain in the a** to drill holes.
But then again you could probably throw it off a roof and it doesn’t break.
It is reacting to incoming audio by the 3 channel control,bass,mids,heights.
The videosignal stays stable cause basically the sync isn’t touched it’s the content inside the video which is manipulated and sent back via video mixer ic’s and “overlayed” over the original you don’t get any blue screens on a projector or a TV which is constantly looking for a proper signal.
This is recorded live through a V-4.

Video Manipulation Box which reacts to incoming audio via RCA or through the built in microphone.I added some stills here


This one is with an RGB Matrix where you can mash up the different color signals,route them through different effects let them react to audio and put them back together.
It has a 4-channel audio control unit where you can choose the effects reacting to bass,mids and heights.On top of the audio control knobs LED’s are installed to survey how much the video gets effected by the audio.

More pics

Bent Mixer from Bildheinzer on Vimeo.

Bent Mixer Part 2 from Bildheinzer on Vimeo.

October 17th, 2009

stills from the manipulation Box TI-99

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